Building a builder: go deeper
In a previous article I created a couple of builders. To be honest, just one + a set of plugins.
Here, I’ll break this down into parts and reorganize it to create a useful product, rather than a hastily put-together solution.
GitHub repository:
Live page:
Bonus: and live page: extended with Preact.
High level diagrams
Building the frontend, or bundling… the difference is subtle but significant, I believe: while bundler just packs everything together, builder does the transformations and processing. For example, Typescript compilation, transpilation, favicon provisioning, dependencies resolving, tree shaking, SASS, etc. Not that bundlers don’t do that too, but it’s a question of scale. Sorry, just got distracted.
This is the diagram of how builder works… well, not how it works inside with all that virtual FS, queues, dependency trees, conveyors, loaders, transformers, plugins, events. No.
This is an entry-level article on how to quickly create a builder for your specific needs without spending too many resources or investing in learning yet another new Webpack.
Well, here it is:
For serve, I mean watch mode + web development server, it’s a bit more complicated:
Seems a bit messy? Well, it is.
There are three submodules: build, web server, source code watcher.
- build does, err, the build. The results of build are build artefacts — files in
folder in our case, or build errors — error messages reported by the builder. Errors can be related to any part of the source code — JS, TS, stylesheet, asset, anything that interferes with a successful build. - web server is a module that serves
and displays the content ofdist
folder. It is also responsible for delivering notifications, error messages, reloading the page when it is rebuilt and reestablishing the connection. - watcher is an infinite loop inside that some code detects any change in
folder and initiates a rebuild.
We have, technically, 3 infinite loops:
- Source code watch → rebuild.
watch (build results) → inform browser → serve files. There’s a fork here: we need to somehow report both success and error.- Wait for
for exit. This one we got automatically from Node in the top level loop but worth to be mentioned.
Implementation details
I am using ESBuild as a build core. What’s more; it does all the rest — watching and serving.
Of course, it does this, um, sub-optimally.
I can agree with the ESBuild author here — anything not related to the build itself should be maintained by separate tools. There are a couple of major issues: recovery and debouncing.
import esbuild from 'esbuild'
import htmlPlugin from '@chialab/esbuild-plugin-html'
import {sassPlugin} from 'esbuild-sass-plugin'
const ctx = await esbuild.context({
logLevel: 'debug',
entryPoints: [
assetNames: 'assets/[name]-[hash]',
chunkNames: '[ext]/[name]-[hash]',
outdir: 'dist',
bundle: true,
banner: {
js: 'new EventSource("/esbuild").addEventListener(' +
'"change", () => setTimeout(() => location.reload(), 1000));'
plugins: [
console.log('✅ Build complete... running watch.\n')
await ctx.serve({
servedir: 'dist',
port: 3000,
What can we expect from 30 lines of code? It works.
Let’s start with decomposition. I will put everything related to build into build
We’ll just write it down:
❯ du -hs ./node_modules
122M ./node_modules
Thus, let’s install dependencies for separate web server, watcher and typescript (for type check) accordingly:
bun i -D browser-sync
bun i -D chokidar
bun i -D typescript
❯ du -hs ./node_modules
141M ./node_modules
Uh-oh. 141M. With a planned JS output of less than 100Kb. Uh-oh.
Interesting fact: if you don’t install typescript, the size will be 151 MB. Peer deps can sometimes be mysterious…
Type check
I already have JS/TS linting, which is very useful for the IDE. It will catch most of the errors, but not TS related ones.
Oops. Clearly this is because TS is just a transpiler and can recommend, but not enforce…
Rather surprisingly, the type checking for TS is integrated with ESBuild rather poorly.
I’ve mentioned plugin before, but it does not work correctly, especially with serve mode at the time of writing (Jun’23, 2024).
There are lot of tips on the internet about how to check typescript files. The most robust one — I need to run tsc --noEmit
in isolated mode ("isolatedModules": true
in tsconfig.json
Let’s implement utility function:
// build/utils/ts-check.js
export async function spawnTSC(inheritStdio = false) {
const tsc = spawnSync(
'bun tsc --noEmit',
cwd: './',
encoding: 'utf-8',
stdio: inheritStdio? 'inherit' : 'pipe',
shell: true,
if (inheritStdio) {
return tsc.status
return {
messages: tsc.stdout,
error: tsc.error,
A few points to note. First, inheritStdio
parameter: I pass that because in build
mode I need just a result, a status code. For serve
mode I need the console errors to be redirected to a variable for further processing and display.
Second, if you are using NPM, you should replace bun tsc...
to npm run tsc...
and the corresponding entry in package.json
"scripts": {
"tsc": "tsc --noEmit",
Nice, let’s improve build script:
import esbuild from 'esbuild'
import {buildConfig} from './build.config.js'
import {spawnTSC} from './utils/ts-check.js' // <-- this
console.time('Build time')
console.log('\n[ Starting type check... ]')
try {
const typeCheck = await spawnTSC(true) // <-- and this
if (typeCheck !== 0) {
console.log('\n✅ Check complete.\n')
console.log('[ Building... ]')
metafile: true,
minify: true,
minifyWhitespace: true,
minifySyntax: true,
minifyIdentifiers: true,
sourcemap: true,
console.log('\n✅ Build complete.')
} catch (error) {
console.log('\n⛔ Build failed.')
console.timeEnd('Build time')
Try run:
Browser-sync is a bit overkill. It allows you to synchronise multiple browsers, and just serving one is kind of a humiliation. But I’ve tried others, such as live-server, and I like this one the best. It has lots of customisation options, is well documented, convenient to use and works great.
Chokidar it’s kind of an industry standard. of course, with actual NodeJS even on Linux it could be just a few lines of code, but it adds nothing to node_modules
So, that is the build-dev script, esbuild-serve
import bs from 'browser-sync'
import esbuild from 'esbuild'
import {buildConfig, DEBOUNCE_BUILD_TIME} from './build.config.js'
import {fillErrorLines} from './utils/error-processing.js'
import {initBS} from './utils/browser-sync.js'
import {initWatcher} from './utils/source-watch.js'
import {executeTSCheck} from './utils/ts-check.js'
let buildErrors = [] // pay attention: it should be a const reference
console.log('[ Init build context... ]')
// prepare build context
let buildContext
try {
buildContext = await esbuild.context({...buildConfig})
} catch (error) {
// create and start dev server
await initBS(bs, buildErrors)
// run source code watcher
let inBuild = false
let debounceTimer
function doBuild() {
if (inBuild) {
debounceTimer = setTimeout(async () => {
inBuild = true
buildErrors.length = 0
console.log('[ Build... ]')
let result = await executeTSCheck(buildErrors)
if (result) {
result = await executeBuild()
if (result) {
bs.notify('🔄 Updating...')
bs.reload() // to render error banner
console.log(result ? '✅ Build successful.' : '⛔ Build failed.')
inBuild = false
async function executeBuild() {
console.time('[Re]build time')
let result
try {
result = await buildContext.rebuild()
if (result && result.errors.length > 0) {
result.errors.forEach(error => buildErrors.push(error.text))
} catch (error) {
fillErrorLines(buildErrors, error?.errors)
console.timeEnd('[Re]build time')
return result && result.errors.length === 0
First, I prepare a build context and buildErrors
array to use for each rebuild:
let buildErrors = [] // pay attention: it should be a const reference
let buildContext
try {
buildContext = await esbuild.context({...buildConfig})
} catch (error) {
Second, instantiate browser-check
// create and start dev server
await initBS(bs, buildErrors)
Third, start observing the files in the ./src
Then, back to up, watcher will start observing and on ready will call build. Build, in turn, will run Typecheck, and only if it passes will it run build itself. At the end, it will call browser-sync to report the completion of the process.
let inBuild = false
let debounceTimer
function doBuild() {
if (inBuild) {
debounceTimer = setTimeout(async () => {
inBuild = true
buildErrors.length = 0
console.log('[ Build... ]')
let result = await executeTSCheck(buildErrors)
if (result) {
result = await executeBuild()
if (result) {
bs.notify('🔄 Updating...')
bs.reload() // to render error banner
console.log(result ? '✅ Build successful.' : '⛔ Build failed.')
inBuild = false
is defined as 500ms
, so I expect runs to happen no more often in new builds — otherwise I need to increase the value or make de-bouncing more sophisticated. Like with AbortSignal
or queue. But it’s already good enough.
Notifications and errors
Well, bun start
, open localhost:3000
And, thanks to browser-sync, it displays a message and updates the page:
Wow, how professional!..
But I want it to displays errors:
like something like this in a browser: an overlay with console messages passed through –
It is possible using — snippet which is able to inject strings in any HTML served.
During the build, I collect errors using the ESBuilds error structure or by intercepting the console for TS:
export async function executeTSCheck(buildErrors) {
const check = await spawnTSC()
let result = true
if (check.error) {
// ...
errors.forEach((line) => {
buildErrors.push(line) // <-- add to global errors array
console.error(line) // <-- display in console
result = false
return result
async function executeBuild() {
let result
try {
result = await buildContext.rebuild()
// ...
} catch (error) {
fillErrorLines(buildErrors, error?.errors) // <-- add to errors
// ...
return result && result.errors.length === 0
And in browser-sync.js
server: OUTPUT_DIR,
snippet: true,
snippetOptions: {
rule: {
match: /<\/body>/i,
fn: function (snippet, match) {
snippet += errorBanner(buildErrors) // <-- magic
return snippet + match
The default, prebuilt part of snippet is this thing:
It adds the reloading and syncing magic to the page. So I added error banner, if any:
// error-processing.js
const messagePrefix = '__build_error_message_'
export function errorBanner(buildErrors) {
if (!buildErrors || buildErrors.length === 0) {
return ''
// to safe html
const errors = => '<p>' +
buildError.replaceAll('<', '<')
.replaceAll('<', '>')
.replaceAll('\n', '<br/>')
+ '</p>')
return `
#${messagePrefix} *
#${messagePrefix} *::before,
#${messagePrefix} *::after {
all: revert; // <-- isolate styles
#${messagePrefix} {
position: fixed;
display: block;
<div id="${messagePrefix}">
<h1>Build error (at least ${buildErrors.length})</h1>
The rest of the file is parsing the errors.
Since I can’t control all the formatters, I intercept the console, clear it of ANSI colours and convert it to plain text, more or less aligned. Dirty but effective:
Everything seem all right? Well, almost.
Let’s remove ./dist
folder and start bun start
(serve) with error in source code. Oops, all my shiny error notifications are broken:
What’s going on? Where’s my beautifully stylised message?
Well, I’am running a type check before the build, because there’s no point in building if the types are broken, and if the build fails, no final HTML is created at all. And browser-sync
reports with Cannot Get %HTML%
virtual page without proper injecting of styles and scripts. CSP headers are broken. Crap.
So I need to add a middleware —
// browser-sync.js
const content_404 = '<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body>OOPS, file not found!</body></html>'
server: OUTPUT_DIR,
snippetOptions: {
callbacks: { // <-- this one
ready: function (err, bs) {
bs.addMiddleware('*', (req, res) => {
{ 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' })
and let the browser-sync
do its usual injecting magic. And now it works. Finally.
Bonus: WebComponents
Well, our target applications are non-framework, custom JS-intensive (or JS-less, it depends on the situation). To have a rich UI/UX — if we need it at all –we can use CSS frameworks like Tailwind for styles and WebComponents for incapsulated UI elements.
I’ve added it to the Dashboard page for an example.
<!-- dashboard.html -->
<link href="css/gauges.scss" rel="stylesheet"/>
<div id="gauges">
<div class="loading">Loading web components...</div>
<div class="gauge">
<progress-ring duration="1000" percentage="30"></progress-ring>
<div class="buttons">
<button id="buttonOne">30%</button>
<button id="buttonTwo">60%</button>
<button id="buttonThree">90%</button>
<div class="gauge">
<progress-ring duration="2000" percentage="60" round-linecap="true"></progress-ring>
<div class="gauge">
<progress-ring disable-digits="true" duration="500" percentage="90">
<p class="completed-count">9/10<br/>Complete</p>
<script defer="" src="" type="module"></script>
// gauges.scss
#gauges {
border-radius: 18px;
margin: 0 auto;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row nowrap;
align-items: flex-start;
justify-content: center;
min-width: 650px;
width: fit-content;
position: relative;
transition: all 1.5s ease-in-out;
and some logic for detecting the readiness of WebComponents and assigning handlers:
export function initGauges() {
const gaugesContainer = document.querySelector('#gauges')
if (!gaugesContainer) {
console.error('No gauges found.')
const componentsObserver = new ResizeObserver((c) => {
// yes, i know, it is rather stupid way to detect if loaded
// but it works =)
if (c[0]?.contentRect?.height > 200) {
console.log('Web components loaded')
console.log('Size watcher attached', gaugesContainer)
function assignButtons() {
const ring = document.querySelector('progress-ring')
const buttonOne = document.querySelector('#buttonOne')
const buttonTwo = document.querySelector('#buttonTwo')
const buttonThree = document.querySelector('#buttonThree')
buttonOne?.addEventListener('click', () => {
ring?.setAttribute('percentage', '30')
buttonTwo?.addEventListener('click', () => {
ring?.setAttribute('percentage', '60')
buttonThree?.addEventListener('click', () => {
ring?.setAttribute('percentage', '90')
Voila –
GitHub repository:
What’s next? Well with this rather modular structure I can replace, e.g., ESBuild with and experiment with it.
Bonus: and live page: extended with Preact and some post-build analyses:
It’s not always convenient to work with raw JS/TS when you need to create a more or less complex UI wrapper. That’s why I added Preact support for convenient work with components and compositions.
Thanks for reading. I hope it helps you create small, well-targeted builds for the frontend part of tiny projects.