Great article, thank you!
However, Angular sometimes looks like a black box filled with black magic for junior and intermediate developers. I've seen more than once (I'd say, all the time) when asking "how exactly @Inectable or other decorators work?" or "what happens when you forget to unsubscribe from the observable, and what is the difference between hot, semi-hot and cold?"... They just use "patterns" without understanding, and, oddly enough, that's enough.
Disclaimer. Of course, the same is true for React and Vue and Svelte, but Angular gets the highest score here because of its nature: everything is predefined and has a strong structure, so you only need to know Angular, not Javascript or other old-fashioned and boring things.
And of course, businesses love Angular because Angular developers are more or less interchangeable like McDonalds employees =) (not saying this is something bad)