Just another React Starter kit
Well, there is lxStarter kit: React-based SPA.
TLDR: https://lexey111.github.io/lx-starter/dist/ to see it in action; https://github.com/lexey111/lx-starter to get the source and to use it.
It turned out I’m pretty often need to create some small applications for proof-of-concepts as well as some internal sites. So I’ve extracted some basic, or generic, functionality and, then, have created a Starter Kit.
Webpack, React, Typescript, Routing (incl. auth-protected), Navigation and the Store. UI is up to you; .LESS is included.
I use the latest React and MobX-based stores as an application core, and Webpack as a builder. The kit includes a lot of self-documented examples, minimal set of UI components and special NPM command to dry up all these lame stuff.
If you need something like that — you are welcome.
PS I’m sorry for Github-pages. It was designed as a standalone application so live example is not 100% operational (e.g., you need to click some menu item to see correct behaviour, and deep links do no work), but at the moment I have no dedicated server available… I believe it is not critical, though.
Enjoy and good luck, hope it helps!